Nutrition to increase potency in men.

What should be the nutrition to increase potency in men? First of all, it must include a set of vitamins and microelements necessary for male strength.

In addition, the stronger sex should be aware that not all cooking methods are suitable for improving erections and that some food products will have to be completely excluded from the diet.

fruits and vegetables for male potency

Raw foods and fasting

When eating raw food, potency may decrease if a man has chosen this way of eating relatively recently. During the transition period, all body functions decline. This has a noticeable effect on potency. In such conditions, a man may have no interest in sex life. Many men who eat raw foods report that they feel great, but are not attracted to women.

The fact is that the work of the reproductive system is stable only when there are no faults in the body. If a man switches to raw food, the body prefers not to waste energy on sexual desire and simply disables this function. As a result, lovers of raw food do not have erections or decrease the quality of sperm. This suggests that such nutrition to increase potency is completely inappropriate.

vegetarianism to increase potency

However, after a certain time, the body returns to normal and all its functions are restored. Sexual function also normalizes, potency begins to increase and gradually reaches its previous level. So a raw food diet and potency are pretty compatible things.

The same can be said for fasting. Fasting itself has a positive effect on the body and general recovery always has a beneficial effect on potency. But for this you need to get used to fasting.

Many men who chose to starve noted an increase in sexual attraction to women, as well as an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. This means that fasting and high potency are things that do not contradict each other. Also, fasting has helped some men fight prostatitis and hemorrhoids.


Vegetarianism is believed to negatively affect men's health and a vegetarian man often has potency problems. Many argue that vegetarianism will inevitably lead to impotence, and that nutrition for impotence is, first of all, dishes that include meat. Meat is known to be considered a male product. It contains many useful vitamins and minerals necessary for male strength. But if the diet of a man who has abandoned meat and practices vegetarianism contains dairy products, eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables, there can be no impotence. Also, many plant-based foods significantly increase potency.

walnuts to increase potency

The most popular vegetarian products for good potency are:

  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • wheat grains;
  • vegetables (spinach, celery, parsley);
  • walnuts (pine, walnuts, nutmeg, almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios);
  • vegetables (turnips, onions, garlic, cabbage, beets, radishes);
  • fruits (bananas, oranges, grapes);
  • Olives;
  • Beans.

Therefore, all claims that vegetarianism causes a decrease in potency are wrong.

Harmful products

  1. Beer.This drink should not be used for sexual dysfunctions, as it causes the production of the female hormone estrogen. It should be remembered that in large doses, any alcoholic drink will not bring benefits to men's health.
  2. Salt.Excess salt intake has been shown to significantly reduce potency in men.
  3. Soy.The phytoestrogens contained in soy can also negatively affect potency by blocking the production of male hormones.
  4. Pasta.These products contain easily digestible carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain and hormonal imbalance. Hormonal disorders, in turn, can cause a decrease in potency.
  5. Bakery products.Eating baked goods regularly can lead to low testosterone levels in the blood.
  6. Sugar.Due to the consumption of large amounts of sugar, the supply of nerve impulses is inhibited, thus impotence can occur.
  7. Carbonated and energy drinks.These are products that significantly reduce potency. With the regular use of such drinks, a weak erection will be observed more and more often.
  8. Sunflower oil.Overuse of this product significantly reduces testosterone production.

Also, products such as smoked meat, bacon, crackers, potato chips, walnuts, rice, potatoes, and sausages reduce potency.

The common negative properties of all products harmful to men are:

  • decreased testosterone production;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • failure of the rhythm of the digestive system;
  • destruction of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.
smoked meat as a product harmful to potency

The basic rule of thumb of a diet to increase potency is that any food should be consumed strictly in moderation. You do not need to feed on a kilogram of cabbage per day or a dozen eggs, washed down with liters of milk. If you feed a person a large amount of even exceptionally healthy foods, this will undoubtedly lead to problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

As for cooking methods, it is better to boil or stew food; nutrient loss will be minimized. Baked foods are considered less useful. A diet that includes fried foods is not recommended to improve male potency.

A diet for potency involves eating in small portions 5 to 6 times a day. This will avoid overloading the digestive system. Food will be absorbed much better and the benefits of its use will be maximized. Eating large portions and overeating for power is highly undesirable.

Products that benefit

All men who have problems in the sexual sphere are interested in the question of what products to increase potency they should consume to complete their sexual life. It will also be helpful for women to know what to feed their husbands to increase their potency.

So how to feed a man to avoid intimate problems, and what products increase potency?

  1. Walnuts.Arginine, found in walnuts, promotes the production of nitric oxide, an essential component for a good erection. Walnuts also contain vitamins B and E, zinc, iron, potassium, and magnesium. The most useful for increasing potency are almonds, hazelnuts and cashews. You need to eat 100 grams of walnuts a day.
  2. Fruit.Citrus fruits deserve the most attention. Oranges and lemons can have a beneficial effect on potency and increase libido. The large amount of lutein contained in these fruits stimulates the production of testosterone. Bananas are also noteworthy. The carbohydrates contained in bananas provide the male body with enough energy for a full sexual intercourse.
  3. Vegetables.The increase in testosterone production is due to the B vitamins and zinc found in vegetables. Parsley, celery, coriander, and spinach are considered the healthiest foods. Its use helps to purify the body, improve metabolic processes and stimulate sexual desire.
  4. citrus fruits to increase potency
  5. Vegetables.Raw and cooked vegetables improve libido and have a positive effect on erections by increasing testosterone levels. The most useful are onions, garlic, turnips, cabbage, radishes, and beets. Eating vegetables is simply irreplaceable to increase potency in men.
  6. Bee products.For a full male strength, products like honey and bee bread are very helpful.
  7. Fish.The leader among the fishes to improve the erection is the flounder, which contains vitamins A, B and E. Mackerel also has a positive effect on the potency and the reproductive system. In addition, this fish contains phosphorus, which is responsible for the quality of the sperm. Eating tuna not only helps to strengthen the erection, but also to increase the sperm count.
  8. Mustard. This product perfectly improves erection and has a beneficial effect on hormones.
  9. Dairy products.For the normal functioning of the genitals, dairy products are very useful. The calcium and magnesium contained in dairy products not only increase potency, but also help boost weak immunity. It is especially recommended that men eat cheese, homemade cottage cheese, sour cream and milk.
  10. Porridge.The most useful is oatmeal. Oatmeal contains arginine, which actively improves blood circulation in the genitals. This nutrition for men is very helpful for good potency.
  11. Eggs.Quail and chicken eggs are rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, and K. In addition, the eggs contain adequate amounts of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. It is recommended to eat the eggs raw.

Proper nutrition is the key to a satisfying sex life. To eat well, the stronger sex must know which foods should be included in their diet and which should be excluded entirely. This approach to your lifestyle will help you forget about problems in the intimate sphere once and for all.